Intel's dynamic recruitment tool
How to Fill an HR Pipeline in Record Time
Web Development
Managed Services
JAMStack, React, NetlifyCMS
→ The challenge

Intel is a multinational technology company and a pioneer in microprocessor innovation. They employ more than 132,000 people across their global properties, and their HR department is constantly challenged to attract, recruit, and retain as the company expands. They continue to grow their workforce by almost 10% year-on-year, and their eyes are always on the future. Considering such growth, they need to keep their HR pipeline full—which was the crux of the project we were tasked with, working directly with Intel’s Israeli office in Haifa.
At its core, it was a recruitment campaign targeting students. The client wanted to develop an interactive questionnaire in which users would answer questions related to their tech proficiency and others more personal—lifestyle, hobbies, etc. When the questionnaire was complete, the applicant would receive recommendations on which open positions at Intel would suit them best. Our scope was strictly for development. The design was contracted to another design agency, who recommended us for the project.

→ The Solution
Delivered in “No Time”. We applied an agile development process that ensured everything would proceed as planned to meet the delivery timeline while maintaining the flexibility to tackle challenges and solve problems as they arise.
Simple Solution, Lightweight Backend. Our solution was a Jamstack architecture with React as the frontend framework and Netlify CMS as the lightweight backend. This structure provided Intel HR with the necessary capabilities without adding unnecessary complexity or maintenance costs.
Questions—Answered. To help the client develop their questionnaire, we created a matrix with all the questions, assigning weight based on their importance. We then implemented this logic on the web app to ensure the accuracy of each question’s suggested position.

→ Success
Our speed, responsiveness, flexibility, and ability to fill multiple gaps—even if some of the asks were out of scope—are the primary reasons we achieved our goals.
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