Playtika's corporate website

How to Build a High-Performance Enterprise Website in Just Four Weeks?







Web Security




Frontend development


JAMStack, GoHugo AWS, Lambda functions, REST Integrations

  1. Uncompromised user experience
  2. Extremely short Time-To-Market
  3. Serverless architecture
  4. Enterprize-grade SLA
Playtika Playtika

→ The challenge

Playtika is a global gaming leader and an innovator in social and mobile gaming. Since 2010, they have shaped the online gaming environment and are known for their diverse portfolio of games. Today, they employ 3,700 employees, process over nine TB of data daily, and have more than 34 million monthly active users.

When Playtika decided to rebrand, a big part of the initiative centered around rebuilding its website from the ground up. One of the primary goals was to build their employer brand and use the website as a recruiting resource to attract potential candidates, collect applications, and display open positions fetched from their internal systems. The project had to be completed in just four weeks, so we wasted no time getting started.

Highly Responsive: Playtika needed its website to reflect its highly technical and engaging business model. The site had to perform flawlessly on any device and look great at any resolution. Because the site had a lot of highly animated content, this requirement was a little more intricate than usual.
Timeline: The “go live” deadline was written in stone and non-negotiable. Development had to start before the graphic design was complete, placing additional risk on Playtika’s timeline and budget. Every aspect needed to go perfectly if these tight timelines were to be met.
Compliance: During the initial stages of the project, the customer stressed that all compliance aspects (security, performance, accessibility, etc.) must be thoroughly covered. These requirements are quite stringent for enterprise-grade agencies such as Playtika; there is no room for error, as nothing less than business continuity is at stake.

→ The Solution

JAMStack Architecture: JAMStack allowed the team to advance much faster, making it possible for us to complete the development and meet the high standard of compliance necessary for the project’s success.

Teamwork: Working closely with Playtika and the UX agency, we formed a highly cooperative Agile team. Our approach was quite aggressive, with one-week sprints, making it possible to keep the project on track for a successful on-time delivery.

→ Success

In just four weeks, our agile team, in collaboration with Playtika and a UX agency, transformed Playtika’s enterprise website using a JAMStack architecture. We delivered a visually striking, highly responsive site that meets stringent compliance standards, despite tight and non-negotiable deadlines. This revamped website now serves as a key asset in Playtika’s rebranding initiative, effectively bolstering its position as a global leader in the gaming industry and enhancing its recruitment efforts.

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